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2550 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA, 94115
United States


Joli Bijou is a premiere hair salon in the upscale Pac-Heights district of San Francisco.


Upcoming Events

6:00 PM18:00

Art Reception

Joli Bijou Salon is please to introduce Pattie Grey, Bonnie Himberg and Sheri Rice Beautiful Art.

Pattie Grey : Art has been a passion throughout my whole life. I have enjoyed years of creative exploration and experimentation with a variety of visual arts. This has lead to my love of working with mixed media. I concentrate on mosaic,assemblage and artists books.

Bonnie Himberg: Bonnie has been a junkie for as long as she can remember. She made Cora Indian type headboards with yarn when she was 10 years old, then moved on to batik and tie dye, then flats work and finally to large 3-D whimsical sculptures.

Sheri Rice: In the harmonious spirit of art and recycling, my work is a combination of the unexpected,created from materials whenever i find them. This way of collecting and working allows me the continuous creative adventure of seeking and finding, followed by the excitement of putting it all together.


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